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(4.1.4) Further reduction of Bromine and Chlorine content of plastic parts > 25 grams
(4.1.6) Reduction of substances on the European Union REACH Regulation Annex XIV (authorization list)
(4.2.1) Record of declarable substances
(4.2.2) Disclosure of declarable substances
(4.2.3) Requesting full substance inventory
(4.2.4) Acquiring substance inventory
(4.2.5) Substance hazard assessment
(4.2.6) Making safer substance use hazard assessments publicly available
(4.3.3) Restriction on the use of chlorine compounds in processing packaging materials
(5.1.2) Minimum postconsumer recycled content in external enclosures for SNE
(5.1.3) Postconsumer recycled content of rare earth elements in hard drive(s) in product
(5.2.3) Higher recycled fiber content in corrugated packaging for LNE
(5.2.4) Bulk packaging for SNE
(5.2.5) Recycled content wood fiber-based packaging for SNE
(5.3.3) Further design for plastics recycling
(5.4.2) Further information and reporting in preparation for reuse and recycling
(5.4.3) Product marked to identify components and materials requiring selective treatment
(5.4.4) Functionality testing software tools
(5.6.2) Manufacturer take-back service for deinstalled network equipment
(5.6.4) Publicly available record of the reuse / recycling achievement
(6.1.2) Energy efficiency of internal power supplies
(6.2.2) Energy efficiency for external power supplies
(6.3.2) Small network equipment load dependent power management
(6.5.1) Energy efficient supply chains
(6.6.1) Mitigation and inventory of process fluorinated greenhouse gas emissions resulting from semiconductor manufacturing
(6.7.1) Environmental impact of product transportation
(7.1.2) Environmental management system (EMS) certification
(7.2.1) Environmental and social responsibility reporting on nine suppliers
(7.2.2) Environmental and social responsibility reporting on suppliers
(7.3.2) Sourcing from validated conflict free smelters
(7.3.3) Participation in in-region conflict-free sourcing program
(7.4.2) Supply chain conformance to occupational health and safety performance standards
(7.4.3) Certification to social responsibility performance standard
(7.5.1) Conduct life cycle assessment
(7.5.2) Public disclosure of LCA results
The EPEAT Registry is updated daily.