The Global Electronics Council recognizes the tremendous value of stakeholder engagement in the EPEAT Program. Please
view the below announcements and we welcome you to engage. As a global organization, we especially appreciate the
engagement of stakeholders from across the globe and we specifically seek engagement by small and medium
Latest Announcements
Public Comment
Proposed EPEAT Expansion to Cover Enterprise Data Storage
GEC proposes to expand its EPEAT product category offerings to include enterprise data storage equipment and solicits feedback from all interested stakeholders on its just-released Product Category Proposal for Enterprise Data Storage. This proposal provides the rationale for adding enterprise data storage to the EPEAT portfolio, including market analysis, summary of sustainability impacts and strategies to reduce impacts, and stakeholder interest. It also provides an overview of product composition and makes recommendations on the scope and approach for developing criteria for this product category.
As a Type 1 ecolabel operating in accordance with the principles and requirements of ISO 14024 Environmental labels and declarations – Type 1 environmental labelling – Principles and procedures, GEC provides stakeholders with the opportunity to provide feedback on the selection of product categories for the EPEAT ecolabel, as described in GEC Selection of Product Categories.
Computers & DisplaysImaging EquipmentMobile PhonesPhotovoltaic Modules and InvertersServersTVsPublic Comment
Public Stakeholder Comment Period Launches Today for Key EPEAT Policy and Programmatic Documents
The EPEAT Program makes policy and procedural updates on an annual basis and is proposing revisions to the EPEAT Policy Manual (P65)and EPEAT Conformity Assurance Implementation Manual (P66). GEC Criteria Development Process (P74) and GEC Selection of Product Categories (P75) were reviewed, and GEC determined that no changes will be made to these documents in this revision cycle.
The EPEAT Policy Manual identifies the underlying policies that govern and support EPEAT programmatic activities, while the EPEAT Conformity Assurance Implementation Manual defines the specific requirements and expectations of brands participating in EPEAT and of GEC-approved Conformity Assurance Bodies (CABs).
Stakeholder feedback and insights are an essential part of GEC’s management of the EPEAT Program. As such, GEC is holding a comment period and welcomes stakeholder feedback on proposed revisions to these key documents.
Stakeholders interested in providing comments should contact Katherine Larocque for copies of the proposed revisions, which are identified using tracked changes in each of the respective documents. Please note that stakeholder feedback unrelated to the proposed changes will not be considered in this round of revisions, but will instead be examined for consideration during the next revision cycle.
The comment period is open from October 23 through December 31, 2024. Comments must be documented using the EPEAT Public Comment Form and submitted electronically to GEC reserves the right to not consider comments received after 11:59 pm North America Pacific Time on December 31, 2024.
All comments received that pertain to the proposed revisions will be made publicly available in a stakeholder comment report, summarizing comments received and attributing the comments directly to the submitter. All comments pertaining to the proposed revisions will be considered before the documents are finalized and published.
GEC proposes to publish the revised documents on February 15, 2025 and new policy changes are proposed to become effective as of July 1, 2025. Participating Manufacturers and GEC-approved CABs will be responsible for conforming with the new requirements as of this date.
Please direct any questions about this public comment period to
Additional Conformity Guidance Group Meeting Added August 29, 2024
GEC is adding a Conformity Guidance Group meeting on August 29, 2024, to address additional questions raised before the scheduled September meeting.
During this meeting, we will discuss the following meeting topics:
Climate Change Mitigation 4.6.1: Product listing on ENERGY STAR Website at Time of Criterion Selection
Definition of Initial Service Provider in Imaging Equipment and Televisions
Severs 11.1.2: Take-back service for deinstalled servers when new servers are leased as opposed to sold
If you’re interested in attending, please register below. As this is an additional meeting to our regularly scheduled monthly CGG meetings, stakeholders must register for this meeting specifically if they wish to attend. Additional timeslots will be added upon request.
As a reminder, the CGG is not a standing committee and there are no standing members. The EPEAT Program seeks technical guidance and expertise from the CGG. The purpose of the CGG is to provide input about specific technical issues about the criteria that EPEAT uses in its various product categories, including when and how updated criteria should be implemented in EPEAT.
As a reminder, the CGG is not a standing committee and there are no standing members. The EPEAT Program seeks technical guidance and expertise from the CGG. The purpose of the CGG is to provide input about specific technical issues about the criteria that EPEAT uses in its various product categories, including when and how updated criteria should be implemented in EPEAT.
As a reminder, the CGG is not a standing committee and there are no standing members. The EPEAT Program seeks technical guidance and expertise from the CGG. The purpose of the CGG is to provide input about specific technical issues about the criteria that EPEAT uses in its various product categories, including when and how updated criteria should be implemented in EPEAT.
Public Comment
EPEAT Stakeholder Engagement Opportunity: Currently Accepting Feedback on Key EPEAT Policy and Programmatic Topics
The Global Electronics Council (GEC) is dedicated to continuous improvement of the EPEAT Program. To this end, GEC monitors industry trends, regulatory changes, and market drivers which may impact EPEAT, and responds accordingly. Although GEC has mechanisms in place to monitor these broader external factors, we believe stakeholder input is of paramount importance to ensuring that EPEAT continues to be the leading global Type 1 ecolabel for electronics.
Stakeholder feedback and insights are an integral component of GEC’s management of the EPEAT Program and are particularly important during the annual policy revision process where stakeholder feedback is sought not only during the formal public stakeholder comment period every October, but also earlier in the year through stakeholder engagement sessions on specific policy and programmatic topics. These stakeholder engagement sessions provide important preliminary input to GEC and help inform GEC’s thinking before developing proposed policy or programmatic revisions.
This year, GEC is soliciting preliminary stakeholder feedback on the following topics:
EPEAT Registry: How information is displayed in the Registry
Updated Documentation Review process
GEC hosted an information session on June 12, 2024 to identify specific issues and discussion questions regarding each of these topics for stakeholder consideration.
GEC is currently accepting preliminary stakeholder feedback until July 5 on the topics, specific issues, and discussion questions identified in the June 12 webinar. Please contact for a copy of the presentation materials or to submit feedback.
GEC will be hosting a second stakeholder engagement session in late July or early August to present proposed approaches for addressing each of the key issues.
Public Comment
Webinar Invitation: GEC Initiating Stakeholder Engagement Opportunity to Solicit Feedback on Key EPEAT Policy and Programmatic Topics
The Global Electronics Council (GEC) is dedicated to continuous improvement of the EPEAT Program. To this end, GEC monitors industry trends, regulatory changes, and market drivers which may impact EPEAT, and responds accordingly. Although GEC has mechanisms in place to monitor these broader external factors, we believe stakeholder input is of paramount importance to ensuring that EPEAT continues to be the leading global Type 1 ecolabel for electronics.
Stakeholder feedback and insights are an integral component of GEC’s management of the EPEAT Program and are particularly important during the annual policy revision process where stakeholder feedback is sought not only during the formal public stakeholder comment period every October, but also earlier in the year through stakeholder engagement sessions on specific policy and programmatic topics. These stakeholder engagement sessions provide important preliminary input to GEC and help inform GEC’s thinking before developing proposed policy or programmatic revisions.
This year, GEC is soliciting preliminary stakeholder feedback on the following topics:
1) EPEAT Registry: How information is displayed in the Registry
2) Updated Documentation Review process
To engage stakeholders and obtain feedback on the topics above, GEC is hosting two stakeholder engagement sessions. Participation is entirely optional, and all stakeholders are welcome to attend.
The first stakeholder engagement session is taking place on June 12, 2024. In this session, GEC will describe the topics GEC is seeking feedback on and identify specific issues and discussion questions for stakeholder consideration. The purpose of the first session is simply to introduce key concepts to stakeholders; GEC will not be presenting any proposed changes at this time.
To accommodate worldwide locations, we have scheduled three times for each session. Registration is required—please use the registration links below to sign up.
Stakeholder Feedback Accepted Until June 14: Updated Requirements for EPEAT Climate+™
In September 2023, GEC launched the EPEAT Climate+ designation to catalyze and accelerate change in the electronics industry by connecting forward-thinking electronics brands with carbon-conscious purchasers. To obtain the EPEAT Climate+ designation, Participating Manufacturers must work with GEC-approved conformity assurance bodies to prove conformance with the requirements for EPEAT Climate+.
GEC is undertaking a multi-year initiative to update EPEAT Criteria to address priority sustainability impact areas – climate, circularity (sustainable use of resources), reduction of chemicals of concern, and responsible supply chains. The Climate Criteria were published in May 2023, and development for the other impact areas is still underway. The updated criteria from all impact areas will be activated on November 1, 2025, when products meeting the updated criteria will begin to appear on the Registry.Given the strong demand for EPEAT Climate+ designated products and significant manufacturer interest in EPEAT Climate+ to date, GEC is committed to making the designation available beyond November 1, 2025. However, to continue to raise the bar and catalyze climate action in the electronics industry, the requirements for obtaining the Climate+ designation beyond November 2025 need to evolve.
To this end, GEC hosted a stakeholder webinar to propose options and obtain feedback regarding updated requirements for the Climate+ designation that would take effect November 1, 2025. For a copy of the presentation materials, please email
GEC is currently accepting stakeholder feedback until June 14, 2024 and plans to release its final plan regarding Climate+ requirements that will take effect on November 1, 2025 soon thereafter. Please submit feedback to
Computers & DisplaysPublic CommentClimate Change
Upcoming Conformity Guidance Group Meeting
GEC will be holding a Conformity Guidance Group meeting on May 9, 2024. During this meeting, we will discuss the following meeting topic:
· Equivalency of 2019 IPCC Tier 2c to Other IPCC Tiers Identified in Computers and Displays Criteria and
If you’re interested in attending, please register below. Additional timeslots will be added upon request.
As a reminder, the CGG is not a standing committee and there are no standing members. The EPEAT Program seeks technical guidance and expertise from the CGG. The purpose of the CGG is to provide input about specific technical issues about the criteria that EPEAT uses in its various product categories, including when and how updated criteria should be implemented in EPEAT.
Imaging EquipmentPublic Comment
NOW OPEN: 2nd Public Consultation on Draft EPEAT Criteria for Imaging Equipment Consumables
The 2nd public consultation on the Draft Imaging Equipment Consumables Criteria for the EPEAT ecolabel is now open to all interested stakeholders. The draft criteria address design of imaging equipment to allow for use of remanufactured cartridges, to minimize use of paper and to meet internationally recognized indoor air quality standards, as well as consumable take-back programs to enable circularity.
The 2nd public consultation period opens April19, 2024 and closes May 20, 2024,11:59 ET. For public commenters, the 2nd consultation is limited in scope to those revisions proposed by the Technical Committee since the initial public consultation.
These criteria will be applied to the EPEAT Imaging Equipment product category only, along with criteria for Climate Change Mitigation, Sustainable Use of Resources, Reducing Chemicals of Concern and Responsible Supply Chains.
The public consultation process is managed by NSF International, on behalf of GEC. Comments must be submitted by 11:59 pm ET on May 20, 2024 through the NSF Online Workspace (NOW). Instructions on submitting comments are provided on the NOW. To support openness and transparency, the NSF website displays all public comments and their resolution.
Please contact Cassandra Leone at NSF ( for assistance with comment submittal, if needed.
Computers & DisplaysImaging EquipmentMobile PhonesServersTVsNetworking EquipmentWearablesPublic CommentReduction of Chemicals
NOW OPEN: 2nd Public Consultation on Draft EPEAT Chemicals of Concern Criteria
The 2nd public consultation on the Draft Criteria on Chemicals of Concern for the EPEAT ecolabel is now open to all interested stakeholders. These criteria address manufacturer programs to reduce sustainability impacts resulting from chemical substances used in products, manufacturing processes and packaging. Criteria also require inventory and transparency about chemicals substances found in products, including PFAS, and the identification of safer chemicals.
The 2nd public consultation period opens March 29, 2024 and closes April 28, 2024 at 11:59 pm ET. For public commenters, the 2nd consultation is limited in scope to those revisions proposed by the Technical Committee since the initial public consultation.
The public consultation process is managed by NSF International, on behalf of GEC. All public comments must be submitted through the NSF comment platform, which provides detailed instructions on comment submittal.
Please contact Cassandra Leone at NSF ( for assistance with comment submittal, if needed.
Computers & DisplaysImaging EquipmentMobile PhonesServersTVsPublic CommentSustainable Use of Resources
UPDATE and DEADLINE EXTENSION: 2nd Public Consultation on Draft EPEAT Criteria on Sustainable Use of Resources (aka “Circularity”)
This special announcement is to alert stakeholders to a document revision and deadline extension for the 2nd public consultation on the Draft Criteria on Sustainable Use of Resources for the EPEAT ecolabel.
Minor errors were identified in the clean and redline draft criteria documents posted last week. The errors, outlined below, have been corrected and updated versions of the clean and redline draft criteria documents have been posted HERE. Note that if using the original link to the public consultation webpage, you will be redirected to the updated webpage.
Since the documents were modified, the second public consultation will be extended a week, closing March 10, 2024 at 11:59pm.
For public commenters, the 2nd consultation is limited in scope to those revisions proposed by the Technical Committee since the initial public consultation. The public consultation process is managed by NSF International, on behalf of GEC. All public comments must be submitted through the NSF comment platform, which provides detailed instructions on comment submittal.
The following errors were corrected in the redline draft criteria document. Item 1 was also corrected in the clean draft criteria document, provided HERE for reference.
1) Criterion 5.1.3 and 5.1.4. The following sentences preceding Tables 5.1.3 & 5.1.4, respectively, were removed as the Technical Committee chose to include thresholds in the Table.
Product > 500 kg shall contain at a minimum 250 grams post-consumer recycled plastic content (by weight).
Product > 500 kg shall contain a minimum recycled and biobased plastic content (by weight) of 500 grams for 1 point and 1000 grams for 2 points.
2) Criterion 5.1.4, the following sentence is now shown in redline as the Technical Committee removed the text. It was redundant.
Point value: 1, 2 or 3 points (maximum of 3 points)
3) Criterion 5.6.2 is now shown in full strikeout as it was not approved by the Technical Committee. An explanation is provided in the comment box.
4) The Optional Points in Annex A, Criterion 5.1.4, were changed from 1-2 to 1-3 points to reflect modifications in the criterion.
Please contact Cassandra Leone at NSF ( for assistance with comment submittal, if needed.
Computers & DisplaysImaging EquipmentMobile PhonesServersTVsPublic CommentSustainable Use of Resources
2nd Public Consultation on Draft EPEAT Criteria on Sustainable Use of Resources (aka “Circularity”)
The 2nd public consultation on the Draft Criteria on Sustainable Use of Resources for the EPEAT ecolabel is now open to all interested stakeholders. These criteria address circularity best practices, inclusive of material selection, product durability, access to firmware, design for repair, reuse and recycling, availability of repair services, responsible end-of-life management, sustainable packaging and water stewardship.
The 2nd public consultation period opens January 30, 2024 and closes March 3, 2024 at 11:59 pm ET. For public commenters, the 2nd consultation is limited in scope to those revisions proposed by the Technical Committee since the initial public consultation.
The public consultation process is managed by NSF International, on behalf of GEC. All public comments must be submitted through the NSF comment platform, which provides detailed instructions on comment submittal.
Please contact Cassandra Leone at NSF ( for assistance with comment submittal, if needed.
As a reminder, the CGG is not a standing committee and there are no standing members. The EPEAT Program seeks technical guidance and expertise from the CGG. The purpose of the CGG is to provide input about specific technical issues about the criteria that EPEAT uses in its various product categories, including when and how updated criteria should be implemented in EPEAT.
Public Comment
January Conformity Guidance Group Meeting Cancelled
The January Conformity Guidance Group meeting has been cancelled. EPEAT anticipates topics for the February meeting.
Computers & DisplaysImaging EquipmentMobile PhonesServersTVsPublic CommentTechnical CommitteeClimate ChangeSustainable Use of ResourcesReduction of ChemicalsESG Performance
NOW OPEN: 2nd Public Consultation on Draft EPEAT Criteria on Responsible Supply Chains (formerly Corporate ESG Performance)
Today GEC, in conjunction with NSF, launched the 2nd public consultation for the Draft Criteria on Responsible Supply Chains (formerly Corporate ESG Performance) for the EPEAT ecolabel. These criteria address the responsible sourcing of materials, fair labor practices and worker health and safety in the electronics supply chain.
The 2nd public consultation period is open from December 1, 2023 and closes on January 16, 2024 at 11:59 pm ET3. For public commenters, the 2nd consultation is limited in scope to those revisions proposed by the Technical Committee since the initial public consultation.
Reminder: Public Stakeholder Comment Period for Key EPEAT Policy and Programmatic Documents Closes December 15
The EPEAT Program makes policy and procedural updates on an annual basis and is proposing revisions to the EPEAT Policy Manual (P65), EPEAT Conformity Assurance Implementation Manual (P66), GEC Criteria Development Process (P74), and GEC Selection of Product Categories (P75).
The EPEAT Policy Manual identifies the underlying policies that govern and support EPEAT programmatic activities. The EPEAT Conformity Assurance Implementation Manual defines the specific requirements and expectations of brands participating in EPEAT and of GEC-approved Conformity Assurance Bodies (CABs). GEC Criteria Development Process identifies the process followed by the Global Electronics Council (GEC) to develop, revise, and evaluate criteria for use in the EPEAT Program. GEC Selection of Product Categories describes the process GEC follows to identify new product categories for which criteria may be developed.
Stakeholder feedback and insights are an essential part of GEC’s management of the EPEAT Program. As such, GEC is holding a 60-day comment period and welcomes stakeholder feedback on proposed revisions to these key documents. Parties interested in providing comments should contact Katherine Larocque for copies of the proposed revisions, which are identified using tracked changes in each of the respective documents. Please note that stakeholder feedback unrelated to the proposed changes will not be considered in this round of revisions, but will instead be examined for consideration during the next revision cycle.
The comment period is open from October 16 through December 15, 2023. Comments must be documented using the EPEAT Public Comment Form and submitted electronically to All comments received that pertain to the proposed revisions will be made publicly available in a stakeholder comment report, summarizing comments received and attributing the comments directly to the submitter. All comments pertaining to the proposed revisions will be considered before the documents are finalized and published.
GEC reserves the right to not consider comments received after 11:59 pm North America Pacific Time on December 15, 2023.
GEC proposes to publish the revised documents on February 15, 2024 and new policy changes are proposed to become effective as of July 1, 2024. Participating Manufacturers and EPEAT-approved CABs will be responsible for conforming with the new requirements as of this date.
Please direct any questions about this public comment period to
Computers & DisplaysImaging EquipmentMobile PhonesServersTVsPublic CommentTechnical CommitteeClimate ChangeSustainable Use of ResourcesReduction of ChemicalsESG Performance
Update to Schedule for EPEAT Criteria by Sustainability Impact
GEC has updated the development schedule for EPEAT criteria by sustainability impact areas. This update of the GEC Criteria Modules by Sustainability Impacts Overview provides revised timeframes for the 2nd public consultation periods for Sustainable Use of Resources, Chemicals of Concern, Corporate ESG Performance (now titled Responsible Supply Chains) and Imaging Equipment Consumables.
If you have any questions about EPEAT criteria development, the sustainability impact criteria, or how to engage in the process, please contact
Computers & DisplaysImaging EquipmentMobile PhonesServersTVsPublic CommentTechnical CommitteeClimate ChangeSustainable Use of ResourcesReduction of ChemicalsESG Performance
UPDATE: Timeframe extended for 2nd Public Consultation on Draft EPEAT Criteria on Corporate ESG Performance
GEC has revised and extended the timeframe for the 2nd public consultation for the Draft Criteria on Corporate ESG Performance (now titled Responsible Supply Chains) for the EPEAT ecolabel, based on stakeholder feedback. The 2nd public consultation period will now open on December 1, 2023 and close on January 16, 2024. For public commenters, the 2nd consultation is limited in scope to those revisions proposed by the Technical Committee since the initial public consultation.
GEC will notify stakeholders when the 2nd public consultation opens via a special edition of this newsletter. The announcement will also be posted on the EPEAT Announcements page.
Computers & DisplaysImaging EquipmentMobile PhonesPhotovoltaic Modules and InvertersServersTVsNetworking EquipmentPublic CommentClimate ChangeSustainable Use of ResourcesReduction of ChemicalsESG Performance
2024 Conformity Guidance Group Meetings
GEC is scheduling monthly Conformity Guidance Group meetings for 2024. These meetings will be used to address any technical issues that come up for both the current and updated criteria from the sustainability impact modules. The first meeting is scheduled for January and monthly thereafter on the second Thursday of every month. GEC will share topics for each meeting as they are established. Meetings may be cancelled if no topics are raised.
Participants may register for all 2024 meetings using the link below. Currently, each meeting is scheduled in one timeslot to bring together all attendees, however, additional timeslots may be added to a monthly meeting depending on the topic(s) to be discussed.
As a reminder, the CGG is not a standing committee and there are no standing members. The EPEAT Program seeks technical guidance and expertise from the CGG. The purpose of the CGG is to provide input about specific technical issues about the criteria that EPEAT uses in its various product categories, including when and how updated criteria should be implemented in EPEAT.
Mobile PhonesPublic Comment
Upcoming Conformity Guidance Group Meeting
GEC will be holding a Conformity Guidance Group meeting on October 12, 2023. During this meeting, we will discuss the following meeting topic:
· Mobile Phones 9.2.3, Table 9.1 – products without plastics, and/or mobile phones without wire, cables, and external power supply accessories
· Computers and Displays and – Use of Distributors and Supplier Facilities in Scope
If you’re interested in attending, please register below. Additional timeslots will be added upon request.
As a reminder, the CGG is not a standing committee and there are no standing members. The EPEAT Program seeks technical guidance and expertise from the CGG. The purpose of the CGG is to provide input about specific technical issues about the criteria that EPEAT uses in its various product categories, including when and how updated criteria should be implemented in EPEAT.
Computers & DisplaysImaging EquipmentMobile PhonesPhotovoltaic Modules and InvertersServersTVsPublic CommentWebinars
Public Stakeholder Comment Period Launches Today for Key EPEAT Policy and Programmatic Documents
The EPEAT Program makes policy and procedural updates on an annual basis and is proposing revisions to the EPEAT Policy Manual (P65), EPEAT Conformity Assurance Implementation Manual (P66), GEC Criteria Development Process (P74), and GEC Selection of Product Categories (P75).
The EPEAT Policy Manual identifies the underlying policies that govern and support EPEAT programmatic activities. The EPEAT Conformity Assurance Implementation Manual defines the specific requirements and expectations of brands participating in EPEAT and of GEC-approved Conformity Assurance Bodies (CABs). GEC Criteria Development Process identifies the process followed by the Global Electronics Council (GEC) to develop, revise, and evaluate criteria for use in the EPEAT Program. GEC Selection of Product Categories describes the process GEC follows to identify new product categories for which criteria may be developed.
Stakeholder feedback and insights are an essential part of GEC’s management of the EPEAT Program. As such, GEC is holding a 60-day comment period and welcomes stakeholder feedback on proposed revisions to these key documents. Parties interested in providing comments should contact Katherine Larocque for copies of the proposed revisions, which are identified using tracked changes in each of the respective documents. Please note that stakeholder feedback unrelated to the proposed changes will not be considered in this round of revisions, but will instead be examined for consideration during the next revision cycle.
The comment period is open from October 16 through December 15, 2023. Comments must be documented using the EPEAT Public Comment Form and submitted electronically to All comments received that pertain to the proposed revisions will be made publicly available in a stakeholder comment report, summarizing comments received and attributing the comments directly to the submitter. All comments pertaining to the proposed revisions will be considered before the documents are finalized and published.
GEC reserves the right to not consider comments received after 11:59 pm North America Pacific Time on December 15, 2023.
To facilitate the review of these documents, GEC is holding three informational sessions for stakeholders to highlight key changes and answer any questions. To accommodate worldwide locations, we have scheduled three times for this call – note that the same topics will be discussed in each call.
GEC will not be accepting feedback from participants during these sessions; all feedback must be submitted electronically using the EPEAT Public Comment Form provided. If you or your colleagues are interested in participating in one of these calls, please use the registration links below.
6am North America Pacific time on November 15, 2023 9am North America Eastern time on November 15, 2023 3pm Central European time on November 15, 2023 10pm Beijing time on November 15, 2023
11am North America Pacific time on November 15, 2023 2pm North America Eastern time on November 15, 2023 8pm Central European time on November 15, 2023 3am Beijing time on November 16, 2023
5pm North America Pacific time on November 15, 2023 8pm North America Eastern time on November 15, 2023 2am Central European time on November 16, 2023 9am Beijing time on November 16, 2023
GEC proposes to publish the revised documents on February 15, 2024 and new policy changes are proposed to become effective as of July 1, 2024. Participating Manufacturers and EPEAT-approved CABs will be responsible for conforming with the new requirements as of this date.
Please direct any questions about this public comment period to
In addition to Large Network Equipment – Criterion 6.4.1 for Energy Star, EPEAT will also discuss Climate Change Mitigation 4.4.1, 4.4.2 and 4.4.3: Acceptable Renewable Electricity Standards.
If you’re interested in attending, please register below. Additional timeslots will be added upon request.
As a reminder, the CGG is not a standing committee and there are no standing members. The EPEAT Program seeks technical guidance and expertise from the CGG. The purpose of the CGG is to provide input about specific technical issues about the criteria that EPEAT uses in its various product categories, including when and how updated criteria should be implemented in EPEAT.
As a reminder, the CGG is not a standing committee and there are no standing members. The EPEAT Program seeks technical guidance and expertise from the CGG. The purpose of the CGG is to provide input about specific technical issues about the criteria that EPEAT uses in its various product categories, including when and how updated criteria should be implemented in EPEAT.
Mobile PhonesPublic Comment
August Conformity Guidance Group Topics
GEC will be holding a Conformity Guidance Group meeting on August 17, 2023. During this meeting, we will discuss the following meeting topic:
· Mobile Phones 8.1.3 – products without accessories
· More topics may be added upon request.
If you’re interested in attending, please register below. Additional timeslots will be added upon request.
As a reminder, the CGG is not a standing committee and there are no standing members. The EPEAT Program seeks technical guidance and expertise from the CGG. The purpose of the CGG is to provide input about specific technical issues about the criteria that EPEAT uses in its various product categories, including when and how updated criteria should be implemented in EPEAT.
Computers & DisplaysImaging EquipmentMobile PhonesServersTVsPublic CommentExpert Ad HocTechnical CommitteeClimate ChangeSustainable Use of ResourcesReduction of ChemicalsESG Performance
Update to Schedule for EPEAT Criteria Development
July 26, 2023
GEC has updated the development schedule for EPEAT criteria by sustainability impact modules. This update of the GEC Criteria Modules by Sustainability Impacts Overview provides revised estimates on the publication dates for the remaining criteria, reflecting our experience with the Climate Criteria and the reality that the Technical Committees need additional time to work through criteria and reach consensus.
If you have any questions about EPEAT criteria development, the sustainability impact criteria, or how to engage in the process, please contact
Computers & DisplaysImaging EquipmentMobile PhonesPhotovoltaic Modules and InvertersServersTVsPublic CommentClimate ChangeSustainable Use of ResourcesReduction of ChemicalsESG Performance
Stakeholder Feedback Accepted on Proposed Revisions to the Implementation Plan for Updated EPEAT Criteria until August 7
In January, GEC released an Implementation Schedule for the updated EPEAT Criteria. GEC is considering revisions to the implementation schedule due to delays in the completion of criteria. In a Stakeholder Engagement webinar that took place on July 10, GEC presented proposed revisions to the implementation schedule along with the rationale for the adjustments.
GEC is currently accepting stakeholder feedback on the proposed revisions until August 7, 2023, and will publish a revised Implementation Schedule for Updated EPEAT Criteria by August 21, 2023.
Please contact for a copy of the meeting materials that were presented on July 10. Feedback should also be directed to
Computers & DisplaysImaging EquipmentMobile PhonesPhotovoltaic Modules and InvertersServersTVsNetworking EquipmentPublic Comment
Stakeholder Feedback Accepted on Key EPEAT Program Topics to Inform Annual Policy Revision Process until August 21
Stakeholder feedback and insights are already an integral component of GEC’s management of the EPEAT Program and are particularly important during the annual policy revision process. Typically, feedback on the annual revisions is received during the public stakeholder comment period every October. However, GEC seeks to have stakeholder feedback also inform the development of annual revisions and has launched a new stakeholder engagement opportunity to solicit feedback on a series of key EPEAT Program topics to do so.
This year, GEC is soliciting feedback from stakeholders on the following topics:
Refinement/improvement of current CAB-related processes
EPEAT Program technical guidance and requirements
GEC Criteria revision process
GEC hosted a stakeholder engagement session on July 10 to present proposed approaches for addressing each of the key issues above and is currently accepting stakeholder feedback until August 21.
Please contact for a copy of the meeting materials that were presented on July 10. Feedback should also be directed to
Imaging EquipmentPublic Comment
Draft EPEAT Criteria for Imaging Equipment Consumables
GEC is releasing its Draft Imaging Equipment Consumables Criteria for public comment today. The public comment period -- open for 60 days -- is an opportunity for all interested stakeholders to provide technical comments on the draft criteria. The draft criteria address design of imaging equipment to allow for use of remanufactured cartridges, to minimize use of paper, ink and toner and to meet internationally recognized indoor air quality standards, as well as consumable take-back programs to enable circularity. The State of Sustainability Research for Imaging Equipment Consumables provides the scientific basis for these criteria.
These criteria will be applied to the EPEAT Imaging Equipment product category only, along with criteria for Climate Change Mitigation, Sustainable Use of Resources, Reducing Chemicals of Concern and Corporate Environment, Social and Governance Performance.
NSF International manages the public comment process on behalf of GEC. Comments must be submitted by 11:59 pm ET on September 11, 2023 using the NSF Online Workspace, available here. Instructions on submitting comments are provided on the NSF Online Workspace. To support openness and transparency, the NSF website displays all public comments and their resolution.
Computers & DisplaysImaging EquipmentMobile PhonesPhotovoltaic Modules and InvertersServersTVsNetworking EquipmentWearablesPublic CommentWebinarsClimate ChangeSustainable Use of ResourcesReduction of ChemicalsESG Performance
EPEAT Program Stakeholder Engagement Opportunities - Registration Required
Feedback Solicited on Revision to Implementation Schedule for Updated Criteria
In January, GEC released an implementation schedule for the updated EPEAT Criteria. GEC is considering revisions to the implementation schedule due to delays in the completion of criteria. In the Stakeholder Engagement webinar on July 10, GEC will present proposed revisions to the implementation schedule along with the rationale for adjustments to the schedule. Stakeholders can provide feedback in the webinar or provide feedback following the webinar. Feedback is due no later than July 28. GEC will release its final plan for implementation of the Updated Criteria no later than August 15.
Registration is required for the webinar —please use the registration links at the bottom of this article to sign up.
Currently Accepting Feedback on EPEAT Policy Revisions
The Global Electronics Council (GEC) is dedicated to the continuous improvement of the EPEAT Program and is constantly looking for opportunities to strengthen the rigor and credibility of the program. To this end, GEC monitors industry trends, regulatory changes, and market drivers which may impact the EPEAT Program, and responds accordingly. Although GEC has mechanisms in place to monitor these broader external factors, we believe stakeholder input is of paramount importance to ensuring that EPEAT continues to be the leading global Type 1 ecolabel for electronics.
Stakeholder feedback and insights are already an integral component of GEC’s management of the EPEAT Program and are particularly important during the annual policy revision process. Typically, feedback on the annual revisions is received during the public stakeholder comment period every October. However, GEC seeks to have stakeholder feedback also inform the development of annual revisions and is hosting a new stakeholder engagement opportunity over the coming months on a series of key EPEAT Program topics to do so.
This year, GEC will solicit feedback from stakeholders on the following topics:
Refinement/improvement of current CAB-related processes
EPEAT Program technical guidance and requirements
GEC Criteria revision process
GEC hosted an information session on June 14, 2023, to identify specific issues and discussion questions for stakeholder consideration. The presentation materials are now available, and a recording of the webinar will be made available soon.
GEC is currently accepting stakeholder feedback until July 5 on the topics, specific issues, and discussion questions identified in the June 14 webinar. Feedback can be submitted via email to
GEC is hosting a second Stakeholder Engagement session on July 10, 2023. In this session, GEC will present proposed approaches for addressing each of the key issues. To accommodate worldwide locations, we have scheduled three times for each session. Registration is required—please use the registration links below to sign up.
Stakeholder Engagement Session: July 10, 2023
Call #1
Register in advance for Call #1 7 am North American Pacific time on July 10, 2023 10 am North American Eastern time on July 10, 2023 4 pm Central European time on July 10, 2023 10 pm Beijing time on July 10, 2023
Call #2
Register in advance for Call #2 11 am North America Pacific time on July 10, 2023 2 pm North America Eastern time on July 10, 2023 8 pm Central European time on July 10, 2023 2 am Beijing time on July 11, 2023
Call #3
Register in advance for Call #3 5 pm North America Pacific time on July 10, 2023 8 pm North America Eastern time on July 10, 2023 2 am Central European time on July 11, 2023 8 am Beijing time on July 11, 2023
June 15/16 CGG Meeting Cancelled. Timeslot added to July CGG Meeting
The EPEAT Program has cancelled the June 15/July 16 2023, Conformity Guidance Group meeting and will discuss the planned topic of Climate Change Mitigation 4.4.1 and Accepted Renewable Electricity Standards during the July 13/July 14 2023, meeting.
A second timeslot has been added to the July meeting. Stakeholders can register for the July meeting using the following registration links:
The same information will be discussed in both meetings, even though they are on different days.
Public Comment
EPEAT Program Stakeholder Engagement Opportunity: Upcoming Webinar, Recording from May 17 Information Session Available + Currently Accepting Preliminary Feedback
The Global Electronics Council (GEC) is dedicated to continuous improvement of the EPEAT Program, and is constantly looking for opportunities to strengthen the rigor and credibility of the program. To this end, GEC monitors industry trends, regulatory changes, and market drivers which may impact the EPEAT Program, and responds accordingly. Although GEC has mechanisms in place to monitor these broader external factors, we believe stakeholder input is of paramount importance to ensuring that EPEAT continues to be the leading global Type 1 ecolabel for electronics.
Stakeholder feedback and insights are already an integral component of GEC’s management of the EPEAT Program and are particularly important during the annual policy revision process. Typically, feedback on the annual revisions is received during the public stakeholder comment period every October. However GEC seeks to have stakeholder feedback also inform the development of annual revisions and is hosting a new stakeholder engagement opportunity over the coming months on a series of key EPEAT Program topics to do so.
This year, GEC will solicit feedback from stakeholders on the following topic:
1) Refinement / improvement of current CAB-related processes
2) EPEAT Program technical guidance and requirements
3) GEC Criteria revision process
An information session took place on May 17, 2023 and provided an overview of the new stakeholder engagement opportunity, explained why GEC is undertaking it, outlined how feedback will be gathered, and described the topics for which GEC is seeking feedback. A recording of the information session, as well as the presentation materials, are now available.
GEC is currently accepting preliminary stakeholder feedback on the topics and proposed process until June 5. Feedback can be submitted via email to
To engage stakeholders and obtain feedback on the topics above, GEC is hosting two Stakeholder Engagement sessions. Participation is entirely optional, and all stakeholders are welcome to attend.
The first Stakeholder Engagement session is taking place on June 14, 2023. In this session, GEC will identify specific issues and discussion questions for stakeholder consideration. To accommodate worldwide locations, we have scheduled three times for each session. Registration is required—please use the registration links below to sign up.
The second Stakeholder Engagement Session will take place on July 10, 2023. In the second session, GEC will present proposed approaches for addressing each of the key issues. Again, to accommodate worldwide locations, we have scheduled three times for each session. Registration is required—please use the registration links below to sign up.
EPEAT Program Stakeholder Engagement Opportunity: Webinar Recording and Materials Now Available + Preliminary Feedback Accepted Until June 5
The Global Electronics Council (GEC) is dedicated to continuous improvement of the EPEAT Program, and constantly is looking for opportunities to strengthen the rigor and credibility of the program. To this end, GEC monitors industry trends, regulatory changes, and market drivers which may impact the EPEAT Program, and responds accordingly. Although GEC has mechanisms in place to monitor these broader external factors, we believe stakeholder input is of paramount importance to ensuring that EPEAT continues to be the leading global Type 1 ecolabel for electronics.
Stakeholder feedback and insights are already an integral component of GEC’s management of the EPEAT Program and are particularly important during the annual policy revision process. Typically, feedback on the annual revisions is received during the public stakeholder comment period every October. GEC seeks to have stakeholder feedback also inform the annual revisions and is facilitating a new stakeholder engagement opportunity over the coming months on a series of key EPEAT Program topics.
GEC will solicit feedback on the following topics this year:
1) Refinement / improvement of current CAB-related processes
2) EPEAT Program technical guidance and requirements
3) GEC Criteria revision process
GEC is hosting a series of meetings to facilitate stakeholder feedback and perspectives on the topics identified above. An information session took place on May 17, 2023 and provided an overview of the new stakeholder engagement opportunity, explained why GEC is undertaking it, outlined how feedback will be gathered, and described the topics for which GEC is seeking feedback.
Three sessions were held throughout the day to accommodate worldwide locations, and each session covered the same topics. A recording of the webinar, as well as the presentation materials, are now available.
GEC is accepting preliminary stakeholder feedback on the topics for discussion until June 5. Feedback can be submitted via email to
Details regarding the stakeholder engagement session to be hosted in June are forthcoming. Please direct any questions to
Public CommentWebinars
May 11, 2023 CGG Meeting Cancelled
The EPEAT Program has cancelled the May 11, 2023 Conformity Guidance Group meeting as there are no topics scheduled. The EPEAT Program anticipates topics to be discussed related to the Climate Change Mitigation Criteria in both the June 1 and 15th meetings and encourages stakeholders to register for these meetings.
Public Comment
GEC Initiating New Stakeholder Engagement Process to Facilitate Feedback on Key EPEAT Program Policy and Programmatic Topics
The Global Electronics Council (GEC) is dedicated to continuous improvement of the EPEAT Program, and constantly is looking for opportunities to strengthen the rigor and credibility of the program. To this end, GEC monitors industry trends, regulatory changes, and market drivers which may impact the EPEAT Program, and responds accordingly. Although GEC has mechanisms in place to monitor these broader external factors, we believe stakeholder input is of paramount importance to ensuring that EPEAT continues to be the leading global Type 1 ecolabel for electronics.
Stakeholder feedback and insights are already an integral component of GEC’s management of the EPEAT Program and are particularly important during the annual policy revision process. Typically, feedback on the annual revisions is received during the public stakeholder comment period every October. GEC seeks to have stakeholder feedback also inform the annual revisions and is initiating a new engagement process over the coming months on a series of key EPEAT Program topics.
GEC will solicit feedback on the following topics this year:
Refinement/improvement of current CAB-related processes
EPEAT Program technical guidance and requirements
GEC Criteria revision process
GEC will host a series of meetings to facilitate stakeholder feedback and perspectives on the topics identified above. The first session is taking place on May 17, 2023, and will provide an overview of the new stakeholder engagement process, explain why GEC is undertaking it, outline how feedback will be gathered, and describe the topics for which GEC is seeking feedback.
To accommodate worldwide locations, we have scheduled three times for this first session – note that the same topics will be discussed in each call. If you or your colleagues are interested in participating in one of these calls, please use the registration links below.
Informational Call #1
Register in advance for Call #1 6 am North American Pacific time on May 17, 2023 9 am North American Eastern time on May 17, 2023 3 pm Central European time on May 17, 2023 9 pm Beijing time on May 17, 2023
Informational Call #2
Register in advance for Call #2 11 am North American Pacific time on May 17, 2023 2 pm North American Eastern time on May 17, 2023 8 pm Central European time on May 17, 2023 2 am Beijing time on May 18, 2023
Informational Call #3
Register in advance for Call #3 5 pm North American Pacific time on May 17, 2023 8 pm North American Eastern time on May 17, 2023 2 am Central European time on May 18, 2023 8 am Beijing time on May 18, 2023
As a reminder, the CGG is not a standing committee and there are no standing members. The EPEAT Program seeks technical guidance and expertise from the CGG. The purpose of the CGG is to provide input about specific technical issues about the criteria that EPEAT uses in its various product categories, including when and how updated criteria should be implemented in EPEAT.
Public Comment
Additional Timeslots Added - Upcoming Conformity Guidance Group Meetings
Upon request, a second timeslot has been added to both the March and April Conformity Guidance Group Meetings. Please find the times and registration links below:
The same information will be reviewed in each timeslot, so attendees only need to attend the timeslot that is most convenient to them. Registration links for the original timeslots are in the announcement below.
Imaging EquipmentPublic Comment
Upcoming Conformity Guidance Group Meeting
GEC will be holding a Conformity Guidance Group meeting on March 16, 2023. During this meeting, we will discuss the following meeting topic:
EPEAT Terms – Definition of Product
If you’re interested in attending, please register below:
As a reminder, the CGG is not a standing committee and there are no standing members. The EPEAT Program seeks technical guidance and expertise from the CGG. The purpose of the CGG is to provide input about specific technical issues about the criteria that EPEAT uses in its various product categories, including when and how updated criteria should be implemented in EPEAT.
Computers & DisplaysImaging EquipmentMobile PhonesPhotovoltaic Modules and InvertersServersTVsPublic Comment
Final Reminder: Public Stakeholder Comment Period for Key EPEAT Program Policy Documents Closes December 31
The EPEAT Program makes policy and procedural updates on an annual basis and is proposing revisions to the EPEAT Policy Manual (P65), EPEAT Conformity Assurance Implementation Manual (P66), and GEC Criteria Development Process (P74). GEC also released a new document, GEC Selection of Product Categories (P75) for public comment as well.
To facilitate the review of these documents, GEC held informational sessions for stakeholders on November 14, 2022 to highlight key changes and answer any questions. Three sessions were held throughout the day to accommodate worldwide locations, and each session covered the same topics. A recording of the webinar, as well as the presentation materials, are now available.
The comment period was originally scheduled to be open from October 17 through December 16, 2022, however GEC has decided to extend the deadline to December 31, 2022. Comments must be documented using the EPEAT Public Comment Form and submitted electronically to All comments received will be made publicly available in a stakeholder comment report, summarizing comments received and attributing the comments directly to the submitter.
GEC reserves the right to not consider comments received after 11:59 pm North America Pacific Time on December 31, 2022.
Please direct any questions about this public comment period to
Computers & DisplaysImaging EquipmentMobile PhonesPhotovoltaic Modules and InvertersServersTVsPublic CommentWebinars
Reminder: Public Stakeholder Comment Period for Key EPEAT Program Policy Documents Underway + Webinar Recording available
The EPEAT Program makes policy and procedural updates on an annual basis and is proposing revisions to the EPEAT Policy Manual (P65), EPEAT Conformity Assurance Implementation Manual (P66), and GEC Criteria Development Process (P74). GEC is also released a new document, GEC Selection of Product Categories (P75) for public comment as well.
To facilitate the review of these documents, GEC held informational sessions for stakeholders on November 14, 2022 to highlight key changes and answer any questions. Three sessions were held throughout the day to accommodate worldwide locations, and each session covered the same topics. A recording of the webinar, as well as the presentation materials, are now available.
As a reminder, the comment period was originally scheduled to be open from October 17 through December 16, 2022, however GEC has decided to extend the deadline to December 31, 2022. Comments must be documented using the EPEAT Public Comment Form and submitted electronically to All comments received will be made publicly available in a stakeholder comment report, summarizing comments received and attributing the comments directly to the submitter.
GEC reserves the right to not consider comments received after 11:59 pm North America Pacific Time on December 31, 2022.
Please direct any questions about this public comment period to
Public Comment Open: Draft EPEAT Criteria on Corporate ESG Performance
Today GEC releases its draft Corporate ESG Performance criteria for public comment. The public comment period -- open for 60 days -- is an opportunity for all interested stakeholders to provide technical comments on the draft criteria. These criteria are intended to address the life cycle sustainability impacts identified in the State of Sustainability Research for Corporate ESG Performance and represent leadership and international best practices in reducing the identified impacts. These criteria are one of 4 sustainability impact modules that will be applied across EPEAT product categories in 2024.
NSF International manages the public comment process on behalf of GEC. Comments must be submitted by 11:59 pm ET on January 9th, 2023 using the NSF Online Workspace, available here. Instructions on submitting comments are provided on the NSF Online Workspace. To support openness and transparency, the NSF website displays all public comments and their resolution.
Coming Soon: Public Comment on Draft Corporate ESG Performance Criteria
GEC’s draft Corporate ESG Performance criteria will be released for public comment on November 10th. The public comment period, open for 60 days, is an opportunity for all interested stakeholders to provide feedback on the draft criteria. These criteria are one of 4 sustainability impact modules that will be applied across EPEAT product categories, starting in 2023. A notice will appear in these EPEAT Announcements and in a GEC Newsletter when the public comment period opens.
Upcoming Webinar: Draft Criteria on Corporate ESG Performance
Join our webinar on November 21, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm U.S. Eastern for an overview of the draft criteria for the Corporate ESG Performance, including the rationale for the criteria and the requirements. The webinar also will review the process for submitting public comments on the criteria. Please click this link to register for the webinar.
Corporate ESG Performance Technical Committee
NSF International, the partner GEC selected to manage the voluntary consensus process for its sustainability impact modules, released the roster for the Technical Committee for the Corporate ESG Performance. The Technical Committee serves as the voluntary consensus body in the GEC Dynamic Criteria Development Process. GEC’s process requires balanced stakeholder representation including manufacturers, purchasers, government policy and sustainability advocates, and other industry in the electronics supply chain, as well as geographic and product representation. One open seat remains on the Technical Committee for a purchaser and ecolabel criteria user. If you are purchaser who is interested in actively supporting the development of this new criteria, please reach out to Greta Baragar (
Computers & DisplaysImaging EquipmentMobile PhonesPhotovoltaic Modules and InvertersServersTVsPublic Comment
Public Stakeholder Comment Period Extended for EPEAT Policy Manual, EPEAT Conformity Assurance Implementation Manual, GEC Criteria Development Process, and GEC Selection of Product Categories
The EPEAT Program makes policy and procedural updates on an annual basis and is proposing revisions to the EPEAT Policy Manual (P65), EPEAT Conformity Assurance Implementation Manual (P66), and GEC Criteria Development Process (P74). GEC has also released a new document, GEC Selection of Product Categories (P75) for public comment as well.
The EPEAT Policy Manual identifies the underlying policies that govern and support EPEAT programmatic activities. The EPEAT Conformity Assurance Implementation Manual defines the specific requirements and expectations of EPEAT-approved Conformity Assurance Bodies (CABs), and of manufacturers or brands that have active EPEAT-registered products or are in the process of confirming that their products conform with EPEAT Criteria. GEC Criteria Development Process identifies the process followed by the Global Electronics Council to develop, revise, and evaluate criteria for use in the EPEAT Program. GEC Selection of Product Categories describes the process GEC follows to identify new product categories for which criteria may be developed.
The comment period was originally scheduled to be open from October 17 through December 16, 2022, however, GEC has decided to extend the deadline to December 31, 2022. Comments must be documented using the EPEAT Public Comment Form and submitted electronically to All comments received will be made publicly available in a stakeholder comment report, summarizing comments received and attributing the comments directly to the submitter.
GEC reserves the right to not consider comments received after 11:59 pm North America Pacific Time on December 31, 2022.
To facilitate the review of these documents, GEC is holding three informational sessions for stakeholders to highlight key changes and answer any questions. To accommodate worldwide locations, we have scheduled three times for this call – note that the same topics will be discussed in each call.
GEC will not be accepting feedback from participants during these sessions; all feedback must be submitted electronically using the EPEAT Public Comment Form provided. If you or your colleagues are interested in participating in one of these calls, please use the registration links below.
Informational Call #1
Register in advance for Call #1 7 am North America Pacific time on November 14, 2022 10 am North America Eastern time on November 14, 2022 4 pm Central European time on November 14, 2022 11 pm Beijing time on November 14, 2022
Informational Call #2
Register in advance for Call #2 11 am North America Pacific time on November 14, 2022 2 pm North America Eastern time on November 14, 2022 8 pm Central European time on November 14, 2022 3 am Beijing time on November 15, 2022
Informational Call #3
Register in advance for Call #3 5 pm North America Pacific time on November 14, 2022 8 pm North America Eastern time on November 14, 2022 2 am Central European time on November 15, 2022 9 am Beijing time on November 15, 2022
GEC proposes to publish the revised documents on February 15, 2023. Unless otherwise identified in the documents, new policy changes are proposed to become effective as of July 1, 2023. Participating Manufacturers and EPEAT-approved CABs will be responsible for conforming with the new requirements as of this date.
Please direct any questions about this public comment period to
Computers & DisplaysImaging EquipmentMobile PhonesPhotovoltaic Modules and InvertersServersTVsNetworking EquipmentPublic CommentWebinars
Public Stakeholder Comment Period Launches Today for EPEAT Policy Manual, EPEAT Conformity Assurance Implementation Manual, GEC Criteria Development Process, and GEC Selection of Product Categories
The EPEAT Program makes policy and procedural updates on an annual basis and is proposing revisions to the EPEAT Policy Manual (P65), EPEAT Conformity Assurance Implementation Manual (P66), and GEC Criteria Development Process (P74). GEC is also releasing a new document, GEC Selection of Product Categories (P75) for public comment as well.
The EPEAT Policy Manual identifies the underlying policies that govern and support EPEAT programmatic activities. The EPEAT Conformity Assurance Implementation Manual defines the specific requirements and expectations of EPEAT-approved Conformity Assurance Bodies (CABs), and of manufacturers or brands that have active EPEAT-registered products or are in the process of confirming that their products conform with EPEAT Criteria. GEC Criteria Development Process identifies the process followed by the Global Electronics Council to develop, revise, and evaluate criteria for use in the EPEAT Program. GEC Selection of Product Categories describes the process GEC follows to identify new product categories for which criteria may be developed.
The comment period is open from October 17 through December 16, 2022. Comments must be documented using the EPEAT Public Comment Form and submitted electronically to All comments received will be made publicly available in a stakeholder comment report, summarizing comments received and attributing the comments directly to the submitter.
GEC reserves the right to not consider comments received after 11:59 pm North America Pacific Time on December 16, 2022.
To facilitate the review of these documents, GEC is holding three informational sessions for stakeholders to highlight key changes and answer any questions. To accommodate worldwide locations, we have scheduled three times for this call – note that the same topics will be discussed in each call.
GEC will not be accepting feedback from participants during these sessions; all feedback must be submitted electronically using the EPEAT Public Comment Form provided. If you or your colleagues are interested in participating in one of these calls, please use the registration links below.
5pm North America Pacific time on November 14, 2022
8pm North America Eastern time on November 14, 2022
2am Central European time on November 15, 2022
9am Beijing time on November 15, 2022
GEC proposes to publish the revised documents on February 15, 2023. Unless otherwise identified in the documents, new policy changes are proposed to become effective as of July 1, 2023. Participating Manufacturers and EPEAT-approved CABs will be responsible for conforming with the new requirements as of this date.
Please direct any questions about this public comment period to
WearablesPublic Comment
2nd Public Consultation on Draft Wearables EPEAT Criteria
GEC’s draft Health and Wellness Wearable Electronic Devices criteria for the EPEAT ecolabel are available for public comment for 30 days, starting September 7, 2022 and closing on October 7, 2022. This 2nd public consultation period is limited in scope to those revisions proposed by the Technical Committee since the initial public consultation.
NSF International manages the public comment process on behalf of GEC. Comments must be submitted by 11:59 pm ET on October 7, 2022, using the NSF Online Workspace, available here. Instructions on submitting comments are provided on the NSF Online Workspace. To support openness and transparency, the NSF website displays all public comments and their resolution.
2nd Public Consultation on Draft Climate Change Mitigation EPEAT Criteria
GEC’s draft Climate Change Mitigation criteria for the EPEAT ecolabel are now available for public comment. This 2nd public consultation period will be open for 30 days and limited in scope to those revisions proposed by the Technical Committee since the initial public consultation.
NSF International manages the public comment process on behalf of GEC. Comments must be submitted by 11:59 pm ET on September 30, 2022 using the NSF Online Workspace, available here. Instructions on submitting comments are provided on the NSF Online Workspace. To support openness and transparency, the NSF website displays all public comments and their resolution.
These Climate Change Mitigation criteria are one of 4 sustainability impact modules that will be applied across EPEAT product categories. For more information on the revision of EPEAT criteria, see the overview of Criteria Modules by Sustainability Impact.
Computers & DisplaysImaging EquipmentMobile PhonesTVsPublic CommentExpert Ad HocTechnical CommitteeClimate ChangeSustainable Use of ResourcesReduction of ChemicalsESG Performance
Update to Schedule for EPEAT Sustainability Impact Modules
GEC has updated the development schedule for EPEAT criteria by sustainability impact modules. This update of the GEC Criteria Modules by Sustainability Impacts Overview also includes information on the second public consultation and schedules for the development of product-specific criteria for imaging equipment consumables and additional product energy efficiency criteria.
If you have any questions about EPEAT criteria development, the sustainability impact modules, or how to engage in the process, please contact
Imaging EquipmentPublic Comment
Public Comment Open: State of Sustainability Research for Imaging Equipment Consumables
Today GEC releases its draft State of Sustainability Research on Imaging Equipment Consumables for a 60-day public comment period. This research analyzes the life cycle sustainability impacts of ink and toner cartridges/containers, and paper consumables relative to the footprint of the imaging equipment device. It then identifies strategies for mitigating the most significant environmental impacts. These strategies focus on business practices and design of the imaging equipment device to enable circularity.
The purpose of GEC’s State of Sustainability Research is to identify priority impacts and best practices for mitigating these impacts and serve as the science and evidence-based foundation for developing criteria for the EPEAT ecolabel. GEC welcomes stakeholder review of this State of Sustainability Research and submission of comments, including:
· Identification of additional life cycle analyses and pertinent data on the sustainable use of resources;
· Mitigation strategies and best practices leading to demonstrable impact reductions;
· Errors and omissions in the analyses and criteria recommendations; and
· Affirmative feedback (e.g., if priority sustainability impacts are identified and adequately addressed).
Questions regarding this notice may be directed to the project lead, Erica Logan, Director, Sustainability Criteria Development;
Computers & DisplaysImaging EquipmentMobile PhonesServersTVsNetworking EquipmentPublic CommentReduction of Chemicals
Public Comment Open: Draft EPEAT Criteria on Reduction of Chemicals of Concern
Today GEC releases its draft Reduction of Chemicals of Concern criteria for public comment. The public comment period -- open for 60 days -- is an opportunity for all interested stakeholders to provide technical comments on the draft criteria. These criteria are intended to address the life cycle sustainability impacts identified in the State of Sustainability Research for Reduction of Chemicals of Concern and represent leadership and international best practices in reducing the identified impacts. These criteria are one of 4 sustainability impact modules that will be applied across EPEAT product categories, starting in 2023.
NSF International manages the public comment process on behalf of GEC. Comments must be submitted by 11:59 pm ET on September 12th, 2022 using the NSF Online Workspace, available here. Instructions on submitting comments are provided on the NSF Online Workspace. To support openness and transparency, the NSF website displays all public comments and their resolution.
GEC, along with NSF, will host a webinar on July 21, 11 am - 12:00 pm ET to provide an overview of the draft criteria, provide instructions on how to submit comments, and answer stakeholder questions. To sign up for the webinar, go to this REGISTRATION LINK.
GEC is pleased to announce that starting with the Climate Change Mitigation module, NSF will expand the opportunity for stakeholder participation in EPEAT criteria development by piloting a 2nd public consultation period. This opportunity will be open for 30 days and limited in scope to those revisions proposed by the Technical Committee since the initial public consultation.
The 2nd public consultation for the Climate Change Mitigation module will open in July or August 2022, with the timing dependent on the progress of the Technical Committee. Following this pilot, NSF will make any refinements necessary and will implement a 2nd public consultation for other EPEAT criteria development initiatives and sustainability impact modules.
Any questions about the pilot should be directed to Patty Dillon, GEC Senior Director of Criteria and Category Development( or Greta Baragar, NSF Sustainability Standards Lead.
Public CommentSustainable Use of Resources
Public Comment Open: Draft EPEAT Criteria on Sustainable Use of Resources
Today GEC releases its draft Sustainable Use of Resources criteria for public comment. The public comment period -- open for 60 days -- is an opportunity for all interested stakeholders to provide technical comments on the draft criteria. These criteria are intended to address the life cycle sustainability impacts identified in the State of Sustainability Research for Sustainable Use of Resources and represent leadership and international best practices to enable circularity. These criteria are one of 4 sustainability impact modules that will be applied across EPEAT product categories, starting in 2023.
NSF International manages the public comment process on behalf of GEC. Comments must be submitted by 11:59 pm ET on July 18, 2022 using the NSF Online Workspace, available here. Instructions on submitting comments are provided on the NSF Online Workspace. To support openness and transparency, the NSF website displays all public comments and their resolution.
GEC, along with NSF, will host a webinar on May 25th, noon - 1:00 pm ET to provide an overview of the draft criteria, provide instructions on how to submit comments, and answer stakeholder questions. To sign up for the webinar, go to this REGISTRATION LINK.
Public Comment Period Open for State of Sustainability Research on Corporate ESG Performance
Today GEC released its draft State of Sustainability Research for Corporate ESG Performance for a 60-day public comment period. This report, which will guide the upcoming revision of EPEAT criteria, provides an overview of key labor and workforce concerns and current practices in social auditing in the electronics supply chain. The report then provides thoughtful and practical strategies to improve social audits and performance in the sector, including increased supply chain transparency, improvements in factory monitoring and reporting, and meaningful remediation of non-conformance findings during audits.
To produce this report, GEC was pleased to partner with Electronics Watch, an independent human rights monitoring organization with extensive global field experience that helps public buyers address and protect the rights of workers in electronics supply chains.
GEC welcomes stakeholder review and comments on this State of Sustainability Research. Comments must be submitted using the Public Comment Formand submitting it via e-mail to CRITERIA@globalelectronicscouncil.orgno later than 11:59 PST on May 14, 2022.
This State of Sustainability Research is part of GEC’s initiative to revise criteria across all EPEAT ICT product categories, focusing on 4 sustainability impact areas. See the overview of Criteria Modules by Sustainability Impact for more details on GEC’s criteria development process and anticipated schedule. If you’re interested in participating in criteria development for criteria on Corporate ESG Performance, please send an email expressing interest to
Thanks in advance for your feedback!
Public CommentReduction of Chemicals
Now Available – GEC’s Final State of Sustainability Research for Chemicals of Concern
GEC is pleased to release its final State of Sustainability Research for Chemicals of Concern, which reflects stakeholder comments and data-supported recommendations submitted during the public consultation process. This State of Sustainability Research serves as the scientific, evidenced-based foundation for EPEAT criteria development.
The research identifies the human and environmental health impacts of chemicals of concern across the life cycle of ICT products and strategies to reduce these impacts The research identifies strategies to reduce chemicals of concern through understanding the chemical used within products and processes, determining the health impacts of chemicals, preventing the use of know toxic chemicals, and identifying safer alternatives. Finally, this research recommends criteria for the EPEAT ecolabel, based on the science and evidence presented in this State of Sustainability Research.
GEC is now convening Expert Ad Hoc Groups to review and draft criteria for chemicals of concern. Expert Ad Hoc Groups will meet over 8 to 12 weeks beginning in March 2022. The following Expert Ad Hoc Groups are being formed: Management of Substances Used in Product, Substance Inventory & Transparency, Alternatives Assessment for Chemicals of Concern, and Safer Manufacturing Chemicals. Stakeholders interested in participating in criteria development are encouraged to contact
Please contact Rachel Simon ( with any questions.
Photovoltaic Modules and InvertersPublic Comment
Deadline Extended: Public Comment on Ultra-Low Carbon Solar Criterion
The public comment period for GEC’s draft Ultra-Low Carbon Solar (ULCS) Criterion is extended until February 15, 2022. This Criterion will be added to the EPEAT Photovoltaic Module and Inverter (PVMI) product category, allowing purchasers to identify PV modules with an ultra-low carbon footprint. The ULCS Criterion establishes a standardized methodology for calculating low-embodied carbon PV modules and a consensus-based performance threshold.
Comments on any aspect of the criterion are welcome. There are also several topics in the criterion document where specific feedback is requested. All comments must be submitted by 11:59 PM EST on February 15, 2022 using this Public Comment form. Comments should be sent to Skye Lei at Anthesis (
GEC is partnering with Anthesis, an organization with extensive expertise in life cycle analysis, to convene and manage the ULCS criteria development process. Any questions on the technical content of the criterion should be directed to Skye Lei at Anthesis ( Questions about EPEAT and the application of the ULCS criterion should be directed to
Public CommentExpert Ad HocTechnical CommitteeClimate ChangeSustainable Use of ResourcesReduction of ChemicalsESG Performance
Update to Schedule for EPEAT Sustainability Impact Modules
GEC provides a quarterly update on the schedule for criteria development and implementation for EPEAT’s 4 sustainability impact modules. In 2023 these criteria will replace the existing criteria in EPEAT ICT product categories. The schedule in the attached update of the GEC Criteria Modules by Sustainability Impacts Overview, now includes a schedule for product-specific criteria.
If you have any questions about EPEAT criteria development, the sustainability impact modules, or how to engage in the process, please contact
The Global Electronics Council (GEC) released a draft revised version of GEC Criteria Development Process (P74) to seek public comment on this document from October 18 through December 17, 2021. Stakeholder consultation in the form of a public comment period is a crucial element of Type 1 ecolabels, and an important component of the EPEAT Program. Stakeholders were invited to submit written feedback on the draft revised version of the document using the GEC provided stakeholder comment form. GEC also held a series of virtual informational sessions for stakeholders to highlight and provide clarity on key proposed revisions.
GEC thanks all stakeholders for the constructive and thoughtful feedback provided during the October 18 through December 17, 2021 public comment period. We appreciate the time and effort stakeholders took to review the draft revised document and provide comments. GEC believes that transparency strengthens the EPEAT Program in an important way. GEC received more than 20 written comments from different stakeholder groups.
The final revisions in this issue of GEC Criteria Development Process (P74) only address the addition of Observers to the Technical Committee found in Sections 2.5.1,, and GEC considered these revisions important to increase transparency in the voluntary consensus process and committed to expedite these revisions given the major initiative underway to develop criteria by sustainability impact modules. GEC will consider the full set of public comments and release another issue of GEC Criteria Development Process (P74) on February 15, 2022 according to EPEAT’s annual revision schedule.
Starting Today: Public Comment on Draft Wearables Criteria
GEC’s draft criteria for Health and Wellness Wearable Electronic Devices are now open for public comment. This 60-day public comment period is the opportunity for you and any interested stakeholders to provide feedback on the draft criteria. Use this link to read the draft criteria and provide comments: LINK TO PUBLIC COMMENT. If you have questions about how to participate or would like to learn more about the draft criteria, please join our webinar on January 13, 11:00-12:30 Eastern: REGISTRATION LINK
Wearables Technical Committee
NSF International, the partner GEC selected to manage the voluntary consensus process for its sustainability criteria, released the roster for the Technical Committee for Health and Wellness Wearable Electronic Devices. The Technical Committee serves as the voluntary consensus body in the GEC Dynamic Criteria Development Process. GEC’s process requires balanced stakeholder representation including manufacturers, purchasers, government policy and sustainability advocates, and other industry in the electronics supply chain, as well as geographic and product representation.
There are two open seats on the Technical Committee: one for a manufacturer and one for a sustainability advocate or government stakeholder. If you are interested in actively supporting the development of this new product category, please reach out to Greta Baragar ( Please contact with other questions.
WearablesPublic CommentWebinars
Upcoming Webinar and Public Comment on Draft Criteria for Wearable Electronic Devices
GEC is launching a new EPEAT product category for Health and Wellness Wearable Electronic Devices, including fitness trackers, smartwatches, and the diverse wearables used to remotely monitor patient and employee health.
Join our webinar on January 13, 2022, 11:00 to 12:30 pm U.S. Eastern Time to learn about this new EPEAT category, the scope of products covered, and the draft criteria. Criteria cover chemical substances in the product, design for reuse and recycling, responsible end of life management, and data privacy. Register for this webinar using the following REGISTRATION LINK.
A 60-day public comment period on the draft criteria will begin on 12 January 2022. The public comment period, open for 60 days, is an opportunity for all interested stakeholders to provide feedback on the draft criteria. A notice will appear in these EPEAT Announcements and in the GEC Newsletter when the public comment period opens. The January webinar will also explain the process for submitting public comments.
Public Comment Open: Ultra-Low Carbon Solar Criterion
Today GEC releases its draft Ultra-Low Carbon Solar (ULCS) Criterion for public comment. The ULCS Criterion is developed based on the principle that low-embodied carbon in photovoltaic (PV) modules is critical for achieving net-zero emissions with renewable energy. The ULCS Criterion establishes a standardized methodology for calculating low-embodied carbon in PV modules and a consensus-based performance threshold. This Criterion will be added to the EPEAT PV product category, allowing purchasers to identify PV modules with an ultra-low carbon footprint.
The public comment period -- open for 60 days -- is an opportunity for all interested stakeholders to provide technical comments on the draft criteria. Comments on any aspect of the criterion are welcome. There are also several topics in the criterion document where specific feedback is requested. All comments must be submitted by 11:59 PM North American Pacific Time on January 31, 2022 using this Public Comment form. Comments should be sent to Skye Lei at Anthesis (
GEC is partnering with Anthesis, an organization with extensive expertise in life cycle analysis, to convene and manage the ULCS criteria development process. Any questions on the technical content of the criterion should be directed to Skye Lei at Anthesis ( Questions about EPEAT and the application of the ULCS criterion should be directed to
Public CommentReduction of Chemicals
Update: Public Comment Period Extended for State of Sustainability Research on Chemicals of Concern
This research examines the human health and environmental impacts associated with chemicals within and for the manufacturing of ICT products, then takes a systematic look at strategies to reduce the impact of chemicals and the potential to realize a shift to safer, more sustainable substances in electronics and its supply chain.
While all comments are welcome, we’re particularly interested in:
Identification of additional information and data on chemicals of concern relevant to ICT products;
Recommendation for additional mitigation strategies and best practices leading to demonstrable impact reductions;
Errors and omissions in the analyses and criteria recommendations; and
Affirmative feedback (e.g., if priority sustainability impacts are identified and adequately addressed).
Thanks in advance for your feedback!
Public CommentWebinars
Reminder: Public Stakeholder Comment Period for proposed revisions to EPEAT Policy Manual, EPEAT Conformity Assurance Implementation Manual, and GEC Criteria Development Process underway + Webinar Recording available
The EPEAT Program makes policy and procedural updates on an annual basis and is proposing revisions to the EPEAT Policy Manual (P65), EPEAT Conformity Assurance Implementation Manual (P66), and GEC Criteria Development Process (P74).
Stakeholder feedback and insights are an essential part of the Global Electronics Council’s (GEC) management of the EPEAT Program. As a result, GEC is holding a 60-day comment period and welcomes stakeholder feedback on the October 2021 proposed revisions to the EPEAT Policy Manual, the EPEAT Conformity Assurance Implementation Manual, and GEC Criteria Development Process. Please use the links above when accessing these three consultation documents, as they direct to versions of the documents that contain “tracked changes” which highlight deletions and insertions.
To facilitate the review of these documents, GEC held three informational sessions for stakeholders on November 18, 2021, to highlight key changes and answer any questions. Three sessions were held throughout the day to accommodate worldwide locations, and each session covered the same topics. A recording of the webinar, as well as the presentation materials, are now available.
As a reminder, the comment period is open from October 18 through December 17, 2021. Comments must be documented using the EPEAT Public Comment Form and submitted electronically to All comments received will be made publicly available in a stakeholder comment report, summarizing comments received and attributing the comments directly to the submitter.
GEC reserves the right to not consider comments received after 11:59 pm North America Pacific Time on December 17, 2021.
Public Comment Period Open for State of Sustainability Research on Chemicals of Concern
Deadline extended to January 7, 2022, 11:59 pm PST
Today GEC releases its draft State of Sustainability Research on Chemicals of Concern for a 30-day public comment period. This Research, which will guide upcoming EPEAT criteria development, examines the human health and environmental impacts associated with chemicals within and for the manufacturing of ICT products, then takes a systematic look at strategies to reduce the impact of chemicals and the potential to realize a shift to safer, more sustainable substances in electronics and its supply chain.
GEC welcomes stakeholder review and comments on this State of Sustainability Research. Comments must be submitted using the Public Comment Formand submitting it via e-mail to CRITERIA@globalelectronicscouncil.orgno later than 11:59 PST on December 10, 2021.
GEC invites stakeholder review of this State of Sustainability Research and submission of comments, including:
Identification of additional information and data on chemicals of concern relevant to ICT products;
Recommendation for additional mitigation strategies and best practices leading to demonstrable impact reductions;
Errors and omissions in the analyses and criteria recommendations; and
Affirmative feedback (e.g., if priority sustainability impacts are identified and adequately addressed).
This State of Sustainability Research is part of GEC process to revise criteria across all EPEAT product categories, focusing on 4 sustainability impact areas. See the overview of Criteria Modules by Sustainability Impact for more details on GEC’s criteria development process and anticipated schedule.
Questions regarding this notice may be directed to the project lead, Rachel Simon, Senior Manager Technology Assessment and Resource Development.
Thanks in advance for your feedback!
Public CommentClimate ChangeSustainable Use of ResourcesReduction of ChemicalsESG Performance
Update to Schedule for Criteria Development and Implementation of EPEAT Sustainability Impact Modules
At the request of stakeholders, GEC will provide a quarterly update on the schedule for criteria development for the 4 sustainability impact modules. The schedule in the attached update of the GEC Criteria Modules by Sustainability Impacts Overview, reflects the current public comment period for Climate Change Mitigation criteria (closes December 7) and the upcoming public comment period for the State of Sustainability Research for Chemicals of Concern (opens November 10). We’ve also now included in this overview document the proposed implementation schedule for the sustainability impact modules that was previously shared on public webinars.
If you have any questions about EPEAT criteria development, the sustainability impact modules, or how to engage in the process, please contact
Public CommentWebinars
Public Stakeholder Comment Period Launches for proposed revisions to EPEAT Policy Manual, EPEAT Conformity Assurance Implementation Manual, and GEC Criteria Development Process
The EPEAT Program makes policy and procedural updates on an annual basis and is proposing revisions to the EPEAT Policy Manual (P65), EPEAT Conformity Assurance Implementation Manual (P66), and GEC Criteria Development Process (P74).
The EPEAT Policy Manual identifies the underlying policies that govern and support EPEAT programmatic activities. The EPEAT Conformity Assurance Implementation Manual defines the specific requirements and expectations of EPEAT-approved Conformity Assurance Bodies (CABs), and of manufacturers or brands that have active EPEAT-registered products or are in the process of confirming that their products conform with EPEAT Criteria. GEC Criteria Development Process (P74) identifies the process followed by the Global Electronics Council to develop, revise, and evaluate criteria for use in the EPEAT Program.
The comment period is open from October 18 through December 17, 2021. Comments must be documented using the EPEAT Public Comment Form and submitted electronically to All comments received will be made publicly available in a stakeholder comment report, summarizing comments received and attributing the comments directly to the submitter.
GEC reserves the right to not consider comments received after 11:59 pm North America Pacific Time on December 17, 2021.
To facilitate the review of these documents, GEC is holding three informational sessions for stakeholders to highlight key changes and answer any questions. To accommodate worldwide locations, we have scheduled three times for this call – note that the same topics will be discussed in each call.
GEC will not be accepting feedback from participants during these sessions; all feedback must be submitted electronically using the EPEAT Public Comment Form provided. If you or your colleagues are interested in participating in one of these calls, please use the registration links below.
5pm North America Pacific time on November 18, 2021
8pm North America Eastern time on November 18, 2021
2am Central European time on November 19, 2021
9am Beijing time on November 19, 2021
GEC proposes to publish the revised documents on February 15, 2022. Unless otherwise identified in the documents, new policy changes are proposed to become effective as of July 1, 2022. Participating Manufacturers and EPEAT-approved CABs will be responsible for conforming with the new requirements as of this date.
Public Comment Open: Climate Change Mitigation Criteria
Today GEC releases its draft Climate Change Mitigation criteria for public comment. The public comment period -- open for 60 days -- is an opportunity for all interested stakeholders to provide technical comments on the draft criteria. These criteria are intended to address the life cycle sustainability impacts identified in the State of Sustainability Research for Climate Change Mitigation and represent leadership and international best practices in reducing the identified impacts. These criteria are one of 4 sustainability impact modules that will be applied across EPEAT product categories, starting in 2023.
NSF International manages the public comment process on behalf of GEC. Comments must be submitted by 11:59 pm ET on December 6, 2021 using the NSF Online Workspace, available here. Instructions on submitting comments are provided on the NSF Online Workspace. To support openness and transparency, the NSF website displays all public comments and their resolution.
GEC, along with NSF, will host a webinar on October 13, 11 am - 12:30 pm ET to provide an overview of the draft criteria, provide instructions on how to submit comments, and answer stakeholder questions. To sign up for the webinar, go to this REGISTRATION LINK.
Public CommentTechnical CommitteeWebinarsClimate Change
Climate Change Mitigation Criteria Updates
Coming Soon: Public Comment on Draft Climate Change Mitigation Criteria
GEC’s draft Climate Change Mitigation criteria will be released for public comment in the first week of October. The public comment period, open for 60 days, is an opportunity for all interested stakeholders to provide feedback on the draft criteria. A notice will appear in these EPEAT Announcements and in the GEC Newsletter when the public comment period opens.
Upcoming Webinar: Draft Criteria on Climate Change Mitigation
Join this webinar on October 13, 11:00 am -12:30 pm Eastern for an overview of the draft criteria for Climate Change Mitigation, including the rationale for the criteria and the requirements. The webinar also will review the process for submitting public comments on the criteria. REGISTRATION LINK
Climate Change Mitigation Technical Committee
NSF International, the partner GEC selected to manage the voluntary consensus process for its sustainability impact modules, released the roster for the Technical Committee for Climate Change Mitigation. The Technical Committee serves as the voluntary consensus body in the GEC Dynamic Criteria Development Process. GEC’s process requires balanced stakeholder representation including manufacturers, purchasers, government policy and sustainability advocates, and other industry in the electronics supply chain, as well as geographic and product representation.
Public Comment Open: State of Sustainability Research on Sustainable Use of Resources
Today GEC releases its draft State of Sustainability Research on Sustainable Use of Resources for a 30-day public comment period. This Research examines environmental impacts associated with materials used in and to produce ICT products and e-waste, then takes a systematic look at how to reduce these impacts through strategies that extend the useful life of products, increase product collection and repurposing, and target the recovery of valuable and critical materials.
The purpose of GEC’s State of Sustainability Research is to identify priority impacts and best practices for mitigating these impacts and serve as the science and evidence-based foundation for developing criteria for the EPEAT ecolabel. GEC welcomes stakeholder review of this State of Sustainability Research and submission of comments, including:
· Identification of additional life cycle analyses and pertinent data on the sustainable use of resources;
· Mitigation strategies and best practices leading to demonstrable impact reductions;
· Errors and omissions in the analyses and criteria recommendations; and
· Affirmative feedback (e.g., if priority sustainability impacts are identified and adequately addressed).
GEC is updating EPEAT criteria, focusing on 4 sustainability impact areas, including Sustainable Use of Resources. See the overview of Criteria Modules by Sustainability Impact for more details on GEC’s criteria development process and anticipated schedule.
Questions regarding this notice may be directed to the project lead, Erica Logan, Senior Manager Technology Assessment and Resource Development;
Public CommentExpert Ad HocTechnical CommitteeClimate ChangeSustainable Use of ResourcesReduction of ChemicalsESG Performance
Update: Status of Criteria Development for EPEAT Sustainability Impact Modules
Earlier this year, GEC launched a multi-year initiative to revise its EPEAT criteria to align with sustainability impacts of electronic products and their supply chains, including Climate Change Mitigation, Sustainable Use of Resources (or Circularity), Reduction of Chemicals of Concern, and Corporate ESG Performance. When complete, these “modular” criteria will be applied across all EPEAT product categories, including computers and displays, mobile phones, imaging equipment, servers, televisions and network equipment. This GEC Criteria Modules by Sustainability Impacts Overview includes a summary of the criteria development process, opportunities to engage, and an update on the anticipated project implementation schedule. Stakeholders are encouraged to send questions to
Photovoltaic Modules and InvertersPublic Comment
Public Comment Open: State of Sustainability Research for Ultra Low-Carbon Photovoltaic
GEC invites stakeholders to provide comments on the draft State of Sustainability Research for ultra low-carbon solar photovoltaic modules. The State of Sustainability Research provides the rationale and science-based foundation for developing EPEAT criteria, along with a conceptual framework for drafting the ultra low-carbon solar criteria.